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Lawson, Missouri High School photo

The pride of the Lawson community is the Lawson R-XIV School District which serves nearly 1200 students and their families in three buildings.  Southwest Elementary is a K-4 elementary school, Lawson Middle School serves grades 5-8, and Lawson High School, serves grades 9-12. The District is fully accredited by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.  In 2012, Lawson High School was named a National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education.

Lawson, Missouri Middle School photoThe Lawson R-XIV School District is located just 15 miles to the northeast of the Kansas City metro area.  Portions of Clinton, Clay, and Ray counties comprise the make-up of the district:.  A large majority of our district patrons find employment within the Kansas City metro area for corporations such as the Ford Motor Co., Hallmark Cards, Inc., and AIPC.

The Lawson School District’s mission is to provide the highest quality education by creating life-long learners through comprehensive academic, athletic, cultural, and extra-curricular opportunities for the children of our community.

The Lawson School District’s vision is to partner with the community in a stable, safe and caring “hometown” learning environment that focuses on the changing needs of our students and achieves educational excellence.

Lawson, Missouri Southwest Elementary photo